Monday, February 25, 2008

35mm testing with the Letus35A

I just finished testing out the Lytecap with the HV20, a Canon 50mm lens and the Letus35A.

Some interesting news. When I put the Lytecap in front of the Canon lens, it was too bright, even when I turned the dial down - so I tested out opening and closing the aperture on the Canon's 50mm lens - and presto, it worked great. I could achieve a range of apertures this way, but to really fine-tuned it, I used the Lytecap. Some of my initial findings are that is that stuff looks good - zero gain - but dark - losing a stop and a 1/2 I believe with the Letus. At an aperture of 2.8 with the Letus35A, it is pretty dark, while without the Letus35A under the same conditions and aperture, the lighting is serviceable.

So the 35mm version will need a lot more light to do the trick and probably require different aperture settings. Right now, I am only using a 60Watt bulb for testing, but so far so good.

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