Monday, November 24, 2008

Merkury Wide Angle on the way...

I just won a bid on a Merkury wide angle lens 58mm - I should have a lytecap working for this lens in the next few weeks...keep checking back!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Looking for testers for the Wide Angle prototype...

I am looking for testers for the Wide Angle Prototype for the Lytecap that I am working on. It works great in sizing for my Ambico wide angle lens, but I would like to test it on others. Any takes? Email me.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

D90 with the Lytecap

Just a shout out to anyone that has the D90 in the Niagara Region to test the Lytecap on. It just might work!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Higher values for the Lytecap 3.2 - 6.7

As serendipity would have it, I was testing out different diffusers for the Lytecap and found that I could get values from 3.2 to 6.7 because I used a different material for diffusion by mistake. I am wondering if there would be any interest in something like that?

Monday, July 21, 2008

New Lytecap with Replaceable LED ready to ship!

Already a few orders underway. The new Lytecap for the Hv20/Hv30 has the ability to swap out LED's.
With the new Lytecap, you receive an extra set of batteries and an extra LED.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Finishing touches on newest version

I am just putting the finishing touches on the new Lytecap. It now has interchangeable LED's - easy enough that the owner can do it without having to solder. Just a matter of placing the LED pins in the socket and you are on your way.
I will be including an extra LED with the package, but the price has gone up slightly to compensate for the new items I am including, as well as the work for this.

New Price for the Lytecap :


Includes : extra set of batteries and an Extra LED.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Success - the newest iteration of the Lytecap on its way

I will now be bundling the Lytecap with an extra LED - with EXTRA EXTRA LED for sale on the site. This change stems from isolated incidents of LED burning out - this can't be helped and just like anything, bad LED's will make their way into a batch.

With the new version, the user can swap the LED in case of a burn-out without having to do any soldering. It will be a matter of removing the LED from it's mooring and then putting in the newer LED and inserting the leads into the appropriate holders. A set of instructions will be included.

I will let you know when the newest batch is ready to go.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sorry about the delay...

I have recently been testing a way to add replacement LED's to the Lytecap - this way when a user gets the Lytecap, they have the ability to replace the LED in the eventuality that is burns out with another one (these things do happen). I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Diffuser

I was running some tests for the last few days on another diffuser for the Lytecap. This one would run the range from 4.4 - 7.6 (approx). The great thing about it is, you could switch it up on the fly (some situations call for different aperture settings). Also, it would be really inexpensive for shipping because it would go in a regular envelope (probably like $2.00 shipping) - all together, most likely it would be under $7.00 all together including shipping (maybe less).
At least this way, the Lytecap users are getting more latitude from their units and a greater range of apertures.

Also new units would have a choice if they wanted both diffusers shipped out at the same time. Anyways, just something to ponder. Keep watching for more updates.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fleet ready for shipping...

Well, not really a fleet, but seven Lytecaps to go out on Monday this week. I have been busy getting them ready and working on the next version.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Price effective immediately - $24.99

The price of the Lytecap is now $24.99. Any orders that have come through already will be charged the old price of $19.99 - any new orders from April 19, 2008 on will be charged at the new rate. Thanks for your time and patronage.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Just something that I am currently working on while I wait for the diffusion material to come in and in between getting the Lytecap for 35mm adapters ready.

The Lytedolly actually works really great (sorry about the name, can't think of anything else right now).

It has a perfect slide, nice and smooth. If I tilt it slightly up or down, it dolly's on its own, very slowly - like a slow creep. I like to put a little weight on it while I movement it so there isn't any back and forth while dollying.

This is great when you don't want to set up a dolly or for some quick push ins in tight places - like a fireplace, mailbox, under a table, hole in the wall etc.
There are a few things I need to fix
1) replace the wood with another materia
2) securing it tightly to the aluminum tubing underneath.

The head is from a cheap tripod I picked up for $20.00 ages ago. I wish I could get more.

I just leave my Lytecap on the end for show and protection.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New diffuser material coming...

I just order some different type of diffuser materials for the new version of the Lytecap - this will hopefully enable single battery usage through the range of apertures. It should be in sometime next week so I can continue testing.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Paypal payments - some pointers

I am getting more than the usual number of paypal payments that are ATTACHED to CREDIT CARDS. At present, I am not accepting PAYPAL in this way. I will be honest about it - they charge for the use of credit cards. If I start charging for the use of credit cards, the price will go up - so to make it more appealing to the price conscious consumer, I am sticking with the non-credit card route.

BUT I am accepting Paypal that is attached to your bank account, and I am told this is a painless process. If not, you can send a cheque or money order for the amount in Canadian dollars.

Lastly, the payments are now in Canadian dollars only. Thanks for your time.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Please read this post if you sent me an email

I always answer all my email. If you didn't get a response, please check your JUNK/SPAM folder. If you still don't find it, send me a private email on or In the past, some people have stated that they did not get a response. The Lytecap is my priority, so I take the time to answer each and every one of them. If for some reason, you didn't get a response, please email me again - or try to private message me at one of the forums. Thanks

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Heads up - Introductory price to be changed in the near future

I have had the introductory price of $19.99 for almost a month now, but I am going to be raising the price in the near future. I will keep you posted when it happens.

Single battery test, phase one - complete!

After researching further into the materials I use for the Lytecap diffusion layer, I have discovered (in the preliminary stages) a way to use ONLY ONE battery to achieve the same level of aperture settings that I used to get with two.

Also, making a working prototype of the 35mm adapter as I write this. I should have some test results later today.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

When you ship, make sure it is worth it.

Learned a lesson in shipping today.

I ordered some parts for the Lytecap - but found out that unless I buy in a large quantity, shipping is very expensive. Now this might seem like common sense, but not all companies tell you their shipping prices upfront. I didn't see the final price until I got the invoice with the product.

Still, the company shipped timely and the product is good so I will just have to up the order next time to make it more worth-while.

Monday, February 25, 2008

35mm testing with the Letus35A

I just finished testing out the Lytecap with the HV20, a Canon 50mm lens and the Letus35A.

Some interesting news. When I put the Lytecap in front of the Canon lens, it was too bright, even when I turned the dial down - so I tested out opening and closing the aperture on the Canon's 50mm lens - and presto, it worked great. I could achieve a range of apertures this way, but to really fine-tuned it, I used the Lytecap. Some of my initial findings are that is that stuff looks good - zero gain - but dark - losing a stop and a 1/2 I believe with the Letus. At an aperture of 2.8 with the Letus35A, it is pretty dark, while without the Letus35A under the same conditions and aperture, the lighting is serviceable.

So the 35mm version will need a lot more light to do the trick and probably require different aperture settings. Right now, I am only using a 60Watt bulb for testing, but so far so good.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Parts on order - slight delay

Lytecap users - eletronic parts are on order. I apologize for the delay. I am outsourcing parts at the moment, but it looks like it is going to be a week delay for orders.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Junk mail surprise

I just had a recent email from someone that told me something obvious - my reply to their email message about the "Lytecap" had gone directly to their spam/junk folder. Sometimes the obvious eludes me. So, having said all that, please check your junk folder if you have emailed me. I have answered each and everyone of my emails, so please check again - and if you have emptied you junk folder - email me again if you didn't get a response you were expecting.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I do love a good video podcast

Another night, another video podcast. Tonights was less rushed then most nights, so it was a much more pleasant experience. Setup is getting faster each time we do it. The audio sounds good and the two HV20's always do their thing. I kind of wish we had a third.
I also shot some b-t-s video of setting up the cameras with the Lytecap. Unfortunately I couldn't find a third tripod to set up the MiniDV on, so I don't think it came out that great. I might time-lapse it and put it up this weekend.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Other apertures for the HV20 using the Lytecap

I am discovering new things about the HV20 everyday. Mainly, setting the aperture to other settings...

As I have stated before, 2.8 is a nice setting for the aperture - I use it all the time - but after some testing, I found that 5.6-4.4 apertures also holds some charms because you can use the entire range of exposure from -11 to +11 without adding any gain. After comparing stills - side by side - I find that 2.8 for some reason looks sharper and a tiny bit brighter in comparison to the 4.8. Also comparing the Histogram shows some subtle differences as well.
Either way with a Lytecap, it is your choice and you are getting going to get some great images.

Here is the aperture setting of 4.8 with the EV cranked to +11 (0dB gain)

Here is the aperture setting of 2.8 with the EV slider to +6 (0dB gain)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On set - video podcast, hv20 and the Lytecap

Another video podcast last night in the can. As always, the Lytecap on Two HV20's came in handy to set both cameras to the same aperture and exposure.

As film-makers know, having the right 'look' is very important. A camera can make a difference, but so can lights, set design and other factors.

We choose the HV20 because we love the film look at 24p that it gives us.

Here is a shot of one of the hosts, hard a work on his show notes.

The setup is a lengthy period of time - using a laptop, a mixer, mics, lights, reflectors etc. It takes about an hour to an hour and a half to get things just right. The first thing we do is set the HV20's to 2.8 and lock the exposure on them (this is using one of my prototype Lytecap). After that is done, it is a matter of fine tuning the sound, framing and lights. All of which, is completely and utterly worth it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Zooming after setting the aperture at 2.8

After hearing from a user ask what happens when you zoom the HV20 after setting the aperture at 2.8 and locking the exposure, I decided to test it.
Using my HV20, I ran a series of tests where the HV20 was
1) Zoomed in half-way
2) Zoomed in all the way

In both cases, I set the aperture and locked the exposure first at 2.8 (using the Lytecap). Once this was done, I zoomed in halfway and clicked through the exposure dial from 0 to +6. Once part 1 was complete, I zoomed in all the way and repeated.

To check, I took out my HC1 Sony HD camera and played the tape back. The HC1 shows me my aperture and my gain natively in the LCD, which is a nice feature.

I am glad to say that in both cases of 1) and 2), on the HV20, no matter where the zoom was, the gain was 0dB.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Idea for the 35mm lenses

I had a great idea on the way to work today on how to make the Lytecap work with 35mm lenses. I wanted to turn the car around and go home to try it, but alas, work is a harsh mistress...

Holiday on Monday

Living in Canada, they have given us a nice Family Day holiday for Monday. I am waiting for parts, but the holiday has the part availability pushed back a bit. I am still working on it this weekend, and hopefully it will all be within a week from time of order.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

HOW - TO video now up

I have been meaning to put up a "how-to" video and finally found some time. It is up on the site:

lytecap video

I know it seem rudimentary, but I thought after hearing some comments on the forum, it would be good to showcase how it works.

Lytecap for 35mm - news

Well, research does take time. I am happy to say that I am getting closer to the elusive Lytecap for 35mm adapters. I will keep you posted of my progress.

Chalk one up for Canada Post

I sent a package to Sweden - actually my first Lytecap order - on Monday. It arrived on Thursday. Even though it was a tad bit more expensive than being shipped normally (it was shipped express international on a customers request), it was even faster then UPS or Purolator - and cheaper as well. Kudos to Canada Post.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Here is how to use the Mini-SD cards in the HV20.

First batch shipped out!

Not much of a hallmark for the rest of the world, but I shipped out the first batches of Lytecap's today so I am feeling pretty good. It is still taking about a week from payment to shipping, but hopefully with time this is get better and faster.

Mini SD bundle REDUX

The good folks at have assisted in letting me know that you can get a Kingston 1G MiniSD card from for around - here is the link
If I can get the prices down, I will start bundling or if anyone still wants the SD card at $17.00, let me know.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bundle Mini-sd cards...?

As the faithful user of the HV20/HV30 knows, a mini-SD card is needed to see the aperture (with the 1/2 press of the photo button).

So I got to thinking : to make things easier for people, what if I bundled mini-sd cards with the Lytecap?

Right now, I wouldn't charge anything more than the cost of buying the mini-sd card ( it looks like I can get them locally at $17.00 for the 1 gig Kingston version).

Thoughts and comments are welcome.

Taking Canadian dollars as well

I have decided to take Canadian dollars as well as US dollars - if the purchaser desires.
Being a Canadian, it is easy to forget that although we have our big brother to the south, there are people here in Canada that want an easy payment option. Both US and Canadians can pay either way.

Monday, February 4, 2008

It's been a long haul

I started this project back in the end of November as an idea for a way to set the aperture on the Canon HV20 high definition camcorder for my own use. After hearing about Barry Green talk about the Sweet Spot of 2.8 with no gain, I was hooked. I wanted the film-look.
After trying several methods over the months, I came up with one that worked and worked well. I started to think that others could benefit from this device and so I started working in earnest to make the Lytecap a reality.

The video for the Lytecap HV20 is up.

Saturday, February 2, 2008 is now up and running! website is now up and running. Please check it out at